Auburn, Nebraska Community Calendar

Basketball: Boys JV (Date & Time Changed from 12-03-22) vs. Malcolm (Away)

Malcolm High School

Type: Game Opponent: Malcolm Bus: 3:15PM Dismissal: 3:00PM Est.return: Comments: Due to a scheduling conflict there has been a change to the Malcolm games. The boys JV / Varsity games will now be played on Friday, December 2nd. Friday, December 2nd: 6 PM - Boys JV 7:15 PM - Boys Varsity

Basketball: Boys Varsity (Date Changed from 12-03-22) vs. Malcolm (Away)

Malcolm High School

Type: Game Opponent: Malcolm Bus: 3:15PM Dismissal: 3:00PM Est.return: Comments: Due to a scheduling conflict there has been a change to the Malcolm games. The boys JV / Varsity games will now be played on Friday, December 2nd. Friday, December 2nd: 6 PM - Boys JV 7:15 PM - Boys Varsity

Basketball: Girls Varsity (Time Changed) vs. Malcolm (Away)

Malcolm High School

Type: Game Opponent: Malcolm Bus: 4:10PM Dismissal: Est.return: Comments: Due to a scheduling conflict the game structure with Malcolm has changed. There will be single, girls varsity game with Malcolm on Saturday beginning at 7 PM.

Wrestling: Varsity vs. Sabetha’>Multiple Schools (Home)

Auburn High School Auburn High School Gym

Type: Triangular Opponent: Sabetha'>Multiple Schools Comments: Parent's Night 5:30 PM: Sabetha vs Auburn ~6:30 PM: Rock Port vs Sabetha ~7:30 PM: Auburn vs Rock Port

ACT Test Date (Home)

Auburn High School - Upstairs Conference Room